Preis: 32,74 €
【Realistic appearance】 The original appearance of the fire extinguisher is used. The main material and shape of the fire extinguisher are the same as the real fire extinguisher. The bottle body opens the door to make perfect use of the internal space.
【Surprise focus】A mini bar in the form of a fire extinguisher can surprise anyone! Think about it, when your friend looks surprised when he sees you holding a fire extinguisher to a party, you instantly become the focus of the audience. Under everyone‘s suspicious gaze, you open it and take out a bottle of whiskey. The surprise is This appeared.
【Hidden storage】 The fire extinguisher bottle has a door with a lock and a key. Open the door, you can see all the storage space, there is no visual blind spot. Make full use of the space to store your Liquor and wine utensils. The minibar will not reveal the fact that you store in it. Its original function is hidden, and the prizes inside can only be seen by opening the door on the back.
【Safety protection】The hard metal casing makes up for the fragile shortcomings of glass wine bottles and wine glasses, After being broken, there is no need to worry about the bottle breaking even if you accidentally collide with them on the road. It provides more for your wine and wine utensils. Layer of hard protection.
【Creative gift】Whether it is an anniversary, wedding, birthday or Christmas, the fire extinguisher mini bar is an excellent gift for yourself, friends and family.
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