Mino Ware Japanese Rice Bowl, Rice Ramen Noodle Soup Sarada Pasta, NEKOCHIGURA Cat Design, 4.5 inch 9.2 fl oz, Hachiware

Mino Ware Japanese Rice Bowl, Rice Ramen Noodle Soup Sarada Pasta, NEKOCHIGURA Cat Design, 4.5 inch 9.2 fl oz, Hachiware

Preis: 27,22 €

Mino Ware Japanese Rice Bowl, Rice Ramen Noodle Soup Sarada Pasta, NEKOCHIGURA Cat Design, 4.5 inch 9.2 fl oz, Hachiware

There are many famous Japanese dishes, such as „sushi“, „ramen noodles“, „tempura“, „maccha (green tea)“, and „sake“. If we are asked to think „what is Japanese food?“, food eaten regularly come to our mind immediately. There is a variety of cultures in Japan, and each culture is different depending on the region and the age. By using a suitable tableware depending on the dish, you can enhance the flavor of it or make it easier to cut and separate the food.
Porcelain is made by firing a mixture of clay powder made by crushing stones and fired at a temperature over 1300 degree. Most of porcelain is thin and light, so a light clear metallic sound is made when tapping it, it allows light to pass through it. It is excellent in thermal conductivity, which makes it difficult to warm it up but has a capacity hardly getting cold.It has sharp and beautiful design, and most of tableware for general home use is porcelain.
What is Mino ware?Mino ware is the Japanese traditional pottery, and approximately 60% of the tableware used in Japan is Mino ware. For example, there are exterior garden supplies such as flower pots and water tanks, interior materials such as tiles for walls and floors, and sinks.Because of its quality with the beautiful design and high functionality, Mino ware is popular not only in Japan, but in overseas. It supports family life in Japan and is very popular among collectors.
Weight: 188g,Height: 2.4″ (6 cm), Diameter: 4.5″ (11.5 cm), Capacity: 9.3 oz (274 ml). Material: Porcelain. Microwavable and Dishwashable. Made in Japan. Suitable Dish (Drink): Rice, Cereal, Saladada, Soup, Desert, etc.
Details and colors of the images might be different from ones of real products because the position of ware relative to the fire and the way of covering with a glaze might produce unevenness on the patters and shapes. Dishwashable however, it is recommended that you wash your valuable tableware by hand because washing it in a dishwasher may cause it to crack and break. Putting thin cloth or paper between tableware is recommended when the tableware is stacked.

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