QQXY BMS 20S 30A-250A Batterieschutzplatine Lifepo4 BMS PCB Smart Protection Plate, for 60V Lifepo4 18650 Zellen Akku, mit Bluetooth (Size : 20S 60V 120A)

QQXY BMS 20S 30A-250A Batterieschutzplatine Lifepo4 BMS PCB Smart Protection Plate, for 60V Lifepo4 18650 Zellen Akku, mit Bluetooth (Size : 20S 60V 120A)

Preis: 291,77 €

QQXY BMS 20S 30A-250A Batterieschutzplatine Lifepo4 BMS PCB Smart Protection Plate, for 60V Lifepo4 18650 Zellen Akku, mit Bluetooth (Size : 20S 60V 120A)

Bluetooth Module:connect to mobile phone, real-time positioning, remote power off. The battery capacity, protection temperature, protection voltage, etc. can be set through the Bluetooth module.
LiF ePO4 Battery Protection:Overcharge protection, power balance, over discharge protection, over current protection, temperature protection,short circuit protection. when the external load is short-circuited, the Bms. will directly cut off the battery power supply. Leave the short-circuit protection after connecting the load.
Bms. Smart Software :Perfect for your high current applications, Suitable for electric balance bikes, electric motorcycles, sightseeing vehicles,electric tricycles, solar street lights, emergency UPS, support Bluetooth function ( Can be used with Bluetooth module).
Easy Installation: Before connecting the protection board, make sure that the cables are soldered correctly. Please note that the communication interface should not be connected randomly or wrongly, so as not to burn the protection board!The protection board needs to be activated for the first use.
Package Contents:1 * LiF ePO4 BMS; 1 * Balance Wires; 1 * BT Bluetooth Module (New Activation Button);1 * User Manual.

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