Preis: 60,99 €
UHEAL BMS-Vorstand, 17S 60V 72V 40A BMS Lithiumbatterie-schützte Platine mit Balance for 18650 21700 Elektrofahrrad- und E-Scooter-Batterienutzung,BMS-Schutzbehörde
1. High-quality BMS board: This 17S 60V 72V 40A BMS Lithium Battery Protected Board with Balance is designed to provide reliable protect for your electric bike and e-scooter battery. It features overchar, over-dischar, over-current, and short circuit protect, ensuring the safety and lonvity of your battery.
2. Enhanced performance: With a dischar current of up to 40A (180A for instant use), this BMS board offers exceptal power output for your electric vehicle. Its heat sink and 300mm cable further enhance its performance and ensure efficient heat dissipat, preventing any potential overheating issues.
3. Easy installat and wiring operats: Installing this BMS board is a breeze. Simply follow the provided wiring instructs, connecting the positive poles of each battery string to the appropriate terminals. Once properly connected, you can easily monitor the battery’s and ensure the protect board is functing correctly.
4. Compatibility and safety precauts: Our BMS board is compatible with various lithium battery platforms. However, it’s important to note that different platforms should not be mixed, and our company’s recommended cables should be used to ensure optimal performance. Additally, static electricity measures should be taken during testing, installat, and usa to ensure safety.
5. Long-lasting durability: To maintain the safety and lonvity of the battery, it is crucial not to remove or modify any components of the protective plate. Furthermore, direct contact between the cooling surface of the protective plate and the battery core should be avoided to prevent heat transfer and potential dama to the battery. If any abnormalities occur, it is advised to immediately stop using the protective plate until the issue is resolved.
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